Wednesday, 7 November 2007

South Armagh 32CSM deny anti agreement republican involvement in Quinn murder.

The South Armagh branch of the 32 County Sovereignty Movement have been made aware of a whispering campaign in the area insinuating that anti agreement republicans may have been involved in the brutal murder of Cullyhana man Paul Quinn on Saturday 20th October. Following discussions with members of the republican movement in the area The 32 County Sovereignty Movement can categorically deny any republican involvement in this crime. The attempt to apportion blame to anti agreement republicanism is nothing more than a pathetic attempt to try and deflect attention from the real perpetrators and an attempt to sully the name of republican separatism. Thankfully the people of Cullyhana and surrounding areas are aware of the truth behind these baseless rumours.

South Armagh has long been respected as a place of resistance to English law and its freedom fighters are rightfully lauded throughout the world. Those that carried out the hideous murder of Paul Quinn have nothing in common with our noble tradition and whatever law they thought they were upholding it was certainly not republican law nor the will of the people.

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